By understanding that how and what you eat affects your mood, stress levels, weight, alertness, and overall health, you will be better placed to take control of how you feel every day and start moving things in the direction you want them to move.
Your relationship with food contributes to your overall health and wellbeing more than most of us give it credit for.
To learn how to position yourself for optimal health, reach out to us today.
Parents, children and adults may benefit from a consultation to support them in making healthier food choices for their children and themselves.
Discover more about how Phillips Nutrition can help you and your family get more out of every day.
We provide flexible appointment options including telehealth to ensure your health is a priority.
Hannah Phillips believes in a clinical, balanced, and evidence-based approach to nutrition that avoids fringe theories or fad diets. Her approach is friendly and accessible for people of all ages, backgrounds and circumstances. With a young family and managing her own lived experience with coeliac disease and autoimmune disease, Hannah's empathic approach makes her clients feel safe and comfortable.
Discover more about how Phillips Nutrition can help you and your family get more out of every day just by making small changes to how you approach food.
Our nutritional services include: targeted eating plans, management of chronic conditions, weight management, family nutrition, fussy eating for kids, stress or fatigue management, issues associated with restrictive or limited diets, living with coeliac disease, managing food intolerances and establishing balance through diet and lifestyle.
Whether you need help for yourself, someone you care about, or if you think your whole family could do with some guidance on how to have a better relationship with food, then contact us today to see how we can work together.
Please fill the simple form below. You can also send us a email. We will respond shortly.